The Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) promotes openness and accountability in the Government of South Australia, helping the public participate in the decisions the government makes.

About Freedom of Information (FOI)

The FOI Act gives you a legally enforceable right to access documents (subject to certain exemptions) – held by the Government of South Australia agencies, local government authorities, statutory and regulatory bodies and South Australian universities. The Act also gives you the right to apply to have your personal records amended if the information is incomplete, incorrect, out-of-date or misleading.

To make an FOI application

In accordance with the FOI Ac t, applications need to:

  • Be made in writing
  • Specify that the application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991
  • Include your name, and an address in Australia where information can be sent (an email address is okay)
  • Be accompanied by the application fee (there are exemptions for Members of Parliament and Commonwealth Concession Card holders)
  • Clearly identify the documents you’re seeking or the matter they’re about
  • Let us know if the documents contain your personal information
  • Request the way you want to access the information: for example, would you like a copy of the documents, or would you like to  to view the documents yourself?

For more information or help with making an application,  contact:

Freedom of Information Unit
Department for Housing and Urban Development
Phone (08) 8235 5400

Applying to review a determination under FOI

If you’re refused access to all or part of a document you requested access to, we’ll let you know  the reasons why, and give you advice on your rights for a review or appeal.

You can also ask for a review or appeal if you’ve applied for your personal records to be changed under FOI, and amendment has been refused.

For more information contact:

Freedom of Information Unit
Department for Housing and Urban Development
Phone (08) 8235 5400 

Ombudsman SA
Phone (08) 8226 8699
Toll Free 1800 182 150 (within South Australia)

Application forms

You can make a FOI applications for the Department for Housing and Urban Development::

Send hardcopy Freedom of Information applications to:

Accredited Freedom of Information Officer
Department for Housing and Urban Development
Level 8, 250 Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Or email applications to

Contact Department for Housing and Urban Development FOI Unit

Phone (08) 8235 5400

Pursuant to the provisions of section 9(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act), the following details are provided as part of the Information Statement of the Department for Housing and Urban Development which is an agency as defined under section 4(1)(c) of the FOI Act.

The FOI Act gives members of the public a legally enforceable right to access information held by the Government of South Australia (subject to some restrictions).

You can get an introduction on how to use FOI in South Australia on the State Records South Australia's website.

Structure and functions

The Department for Housing and Urban Development has multiple functions

  • Planning and Land Use Services
  • Office for Design and Architecture SA
  • Office of the Registrar-General
  • Office of the Valuer-General
  • Housing Infrastructure Planning and Development Unit
  • Office of the Surveyor-General
  • Office of Local Government

Documents held in the Department for Housing and Urban Development

Documents held by us fall broadly into the categories we describe below. You can request documents in hard copy or electronically, unless we tell you otherwise. The listing of these categories doesn’t necessarily mean all documents can be accessed in full or in part under the FOI Act.

The categories include:

  • Corporate files containing correspondence, memoranda and minutes about our operations
  • Policies, procedures and guidelines outlining the way activities and programs are to be performed
  • Personnel files relating to our employees
  • Accounting and financial reports about the running of our department
  • Departmental annual reports, strategic plans and policy reports
  • Minutes of meetings and terms of reference
  • Documents about the functions of the department's business units.

Documents available from the Department for Housing and Urban Development

Free of charge

We publish these types of documents on our website and/or they’re available to you free of charge by contacting us:

  • Brochures
  • Pamphlets
  • Posters
  • Information packs
  • Application forms for services
  • Forms
  • Discussion papers
  • Strategic plans
  • Fact sheets
  • Guidelines
  • Media releases
  • Reports

Making an application for access to/or amendment of documents

You have the right to access information held by us under the FOI Act, by requesting documents and/or the amendment of documents concerning personal affairs if they’re incomplete, incorrect, misleading or out of date.

For information on how you can apply for access under the FOI Act, please see Freedom of Information.