Disclosure Logs

As of 1 October 2017, we’re required to make available on our websites, information and documents that’ve been disclosed to an FOI applicant that:

  • Aren’t about the personal affairs of an individual
  • Couldn’t be claimed as exempt under Schedule 1 of the FOI Act when publicly released
  • Couldn’t be considered defamatory or a breach of confidentiality or reasonably be anticipated to cause harm to a person.

This requirement applies to all non-personal FOI applications received from 1 October 2017, and this page will be updated to disclose all appropriate FOI applications once they’ve been determined.

Where a document can’t be published, you can request access by contacting us via email dhud.foi@sa.gov.au or phone 08 8235 5478.

Note: Ministerial applications listed on this page have been processed and responded to directly by the ministerial office.

Department for Housing and Urban Development Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
I seek access to the following documentation with regards to the extension of Development Consent for DA 422/ E003/17:

  1. Copy of letters, emails/notes from phone conversations between RES Australia or MasterPlan and PLUS that relate to the request for the extension of Development Consent for DA 422/ E003/17
  2. Copy of the extension application documents for DA 422/ E003/17
  3. Copy of briefings that relate to PLUS granting the extension of Development Consent for DA 422/ E003/17
  4. Copy of any letters/emails from PLUS to RES Australia or MasterPlan advising of the granting of an extension to the Development Consent for DA 422/E003/17
  5. Copy of letters/emails between PLUS and Department for Energy and Mining

Date range: 01/10/2023 – 27/11/2024

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Southern Fleurieu Health Service (Victor Harbor) Emergency Department Redevelopment final approved plan. Contract awarded to Schiavello Construction SA (Pty Ltd) and construction currently underway. I would like to see the final plan for the construction and maintenance of the Helipad and Staff/Hospital carparking area adjacent to Malen Avenue including operations/arrangements to mitigate ongoing health and safety and environmental risks associated with dust raised by helicopter operation.
Reference: PlanSA #453/V013/22
Reference: DIT #DIT053983

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of all correspondence and meeting documents, including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, recommendation reports, minutes, emails, letters, meeting agendas, and any other correspondence between the Minister for Planning and the State Planning Commission referencing the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex Major Development.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
I seek access to all communications, including but not limited to Teams messages, text messages, emails, meeting minutes, and reports, that relate to the demolition, planning, and development of the following properties: 105 Gibson Street, Bowden SA 5007
12 Market Place, Bowden SA 5007
16 Market Place, Bowden SA 5007
18 Market Place, Bowden SA 5007
2-10 Market Place, Bowden SA 5007
The developer associated with these properties is Uniting SA Ltd, c/o Future Urban. I would appreciate if the documents could cover any correspondence and reports between the Department and Uniting SA Ltd or their representatives, as well as internal departmental communications or documentation regarding the properties.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Development Application (DA) 23033823 - Lot 53 Baker Gully Road, Kangarilla. Requesting copy of Assessment Report and Recommendation provided to the City of Onkaparinga.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of the State Planning Commission Agenda Report prepared for purposes of the State Commission Assessment Panel meeting on 28 August 2024 relating to item 2.2.2 Development Application No 23005439 at 10 Panorama Court, Paringa (the Applicant being Arsivi Holdings Pty Ltd).

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“In relation to Buckland Park, Riverlea:

  • Correspondence between the Department and Walker Corporation
  • Reports and briefing notes
  • Subtopics: Aboriginal (Indigenous/Kaurna) heritage, artefacts, burial mounds, remains, bones

Timeframe: 1 January 2007 – 15 November 2023.

Documents available on request.

File Reference 

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Building Plans and specifications for the BioChar and adjacent buildings submitted for development approval in DA 292/P005/18 and 292/P005/18 V1.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
In relation to my recent FOI Ref: DTIFOI-20245-6177 I received document 1. Minute to Minister - Keyneton Wind Farm - Extension of Time. This document listed 5 attachments. I request access to the last 2 documents named on the list of attachments: * Windfarm Project Area overlaid on Development Plan policy areas (c 2012). * Windfarm Project Area with turbine locations and indicative BV Character Preservation District boundary.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request

In relation to FOI Ref: DTIFOI-20245-6177 - I request access to the last 2 documents named on the list of attachments: * Windfarm Project Area overlaid on Development Plan policy areas (c 2012). * Windfarm Project Area with turbine locations and indicative BV Character Preservation District boundary.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request

Keyneton Wind Farm Development Consent expiry in 2019, Pacific Hydro's request for a further extension. Any documents, communications departmental advice, discussing reasons for the decision to NOT grant an extension.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request

New build Victor Harbor Ambulance Station, Adelaide Road, Hayborough, SA

Development Application No: 453/V015/23 (Appian 6878)

1) Regarding the property adjoining the north side of the Ambulance Station site, being Allotment 3 or 44 Adelaide Road, (which may also be referred to as “the old house/house site”, “the old Adelaide Road house/house site” or the like);

Any and all communications/correspondence to-date referencing the above property, between the Dept for Trade and Investment, Planning and Land Use Services and

  • Stantec
  • Greenway Architects (SA) Pty Ltd
  • Public Works Committee
  • SA Ambulance Service
  • SA Health
  • The SA Minister for Planning (including any delegate)
  • The SA Minister for Local Government
  • The SA Minister for Health and Wellbeing

2) Any and all communications/correspondence, (incoming and outgoing) between the Dept for Trade and Investment, Planning and Land Use Services and the City of Victor Harbor to-date, on all matters pertaining to this Development Application.

Determination / documents

Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Development Application 313/V039/23 Twin Creek wind farm and energy storage project lodged 09/11/2023

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request

Twin Creek wind farm DA 422/E003/17 - all documents and communications between SCAP / DTI and RES AUSTRALIA / MASTERPLAN / EBS ECOLOGY /SONUS / or any other consultant on behalf of RES relating to any further progress of the proposed development towards being able to start construction, start any site works or building work or change the use of the land since Development Plan Consent was granted on 24/10/ 2019

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Approved plan for development application ID 23013252 (the variation application) was lodged on 10 May 2023 and granted Planning Consent on 28 June 2023 by the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP). In particular the external elevation views.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Requesting to view Development Plans of 50 South Terrace Adelaide (Application number 23030054) The above property is adjacent and borders my property 56 South Terrace Adelaide.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
New build Victor Harbor Ambulance Station, Adelaide Road, Hayborough, SA.
All Site Plans and Traffic Assessments and Reports described at point #6 in the Decision Notification Form – Crown Development,
Development application: 453/V015/23 Lodged on 1 September 2023.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Copies of the approved documents for the original development application 252/L004/17, that include: - Stamped approved plans and Decision Notifications - Waste Collection Report (dated February 2017) (and updated Waste Management Plan - refer to Condition 10) - Phil Weaver Traffic and Parking Assessment Report (dated 6 July 2017) - Australian Consulting Engineers Stormwater Management Plan (19 May 2017) - Design Review Panel Consent (13 December 2016) - Acoustic report (Refer to Condition 6 of the original consent).

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
All minutes and information associated with the 'confidential' matter 6.1 (Major Development / Impact Assessed Development – Whaler’s Way Orbital Launch Complex) discussed at SCAP meeting No.152 on 2 November 2023.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Request for two documents, both pertaining to Development Application 453/V015/23, lodged by the Department for Transport and Infrastructure under Section 131 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (PDI) Act 2016: 1. Planning Assessment Report, prepared by Ms Laura Kerber, delegate of the State Planning Commission c/- Commission Assessment Panel, and submitted to the Minister for Planning (SA) 2. Report on the application by the Minister’s delegate, Mr Ben Williams.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request

Proposed dredging activities in Klein Point, SA - Copy of the DA 010/V017/11 - Any conditions associated with the mentioned application - Documents or reports related to environmental impact assessments - Any other relevant information concerning the proposed dredging activities in the specified area.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Copies of minutes, reports and agendas for meetings of the Population Planning Committee (or derivative name thereof) for the period 1 January 2022 to 3 January 2024.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Correspondence between Planning and land Use Services and the Applicant – that is Southern Launch.

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Documents and communications relating to the new proposed Crown Sponsored Twin Creek wind farm application which has been received by the SA Planning office , but not lodged as of 3/11/2023. Note that this is a separate application from the "Twin Creek wind farm 422/E003/17" approved in October 2019) Documents sought include Crown Sponsorship Application meetings held, letters, documents and responses, meeting notes, minutes, emails. Documents and communications relating to the REASONS FOR THE DECISION to make it a new Crown Sponsored application, rather than a Variation to the existing consented application

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Twin Creek wind farm DA 433E00317 Development Consent extension. The original Development Consent expired in October 2021 and an extension was granted until 24 October 2023. I am not seeking these documents as they were provided in a previous FOI ref qA37710 dated 14 February 1922. I seek: All documents and communications relating to the extension granted in October 2023 to RES AUSTRALIA/MASTERPLAN for the planning consent for Twin Creek wind farm DA 422/E003/17. The previous extension expired on 24/10/23 and the newly granted extension expires on 17 October 2024. Including but not limited to:

  • communications between RES / Masterplan /Julie Jansen/ or any person agents acting on behalf of the developers of Twin Creek wind farm and the Department of Planning.
  • Documents which made up the Application for Extension .
  • Department of Planning Response documents.
  • Planning brief for extension application and recommendations.
  • Granting of extension documents.
  • Planning extension Notification documents.
  • Documents relating to any changes, revised layout, Variations or Applications to Vary the layout or conditions made to the original application since it was approved on 24/10/2019. (Given that RES has purchased property adjacent to their proposed project which was owned by objectors to the project and has a dwelling on it and the purchased property may be used to site additional wind turbines, transmission line infrastructure and SEB offsets).

Determination / documents
Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Seeking confirmation if the original planning approval regarding the bitumisation of roads in and around the Cape Jaffa Marina has varied so the roads are no longer required to be bitumised.

Documents available on request.

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Copy of any and all documents held by the department relating to Plan SA Application 23019563 and its approval by the State Commission Assessment Panel

Documents available on request.

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
I am seeking access to any determination and/ or conditions in relation to the variation of the Mannum Waters Marina development specifically in relation to the vacuum sewerage pumping provisions of the Development Application with the developers Tallwood P/L. My understanding is that between 1 July 2017 and 31 December 2018, Tallwood contacted the Department to substitute a mobile vacuum sewerage alternative instead of the originally proposed in-ground vacuum sewerage pumping system. I am interested to learn the Department’s decision and any conditions attached to that determination. Specifically I seek access to correspondence between the Department and the developers Tallwood in relation to this matter.

Documents available on request.

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Request to access the documentation related to the State Commission Assessment Panel's assessment of Development 010/U071/18. Documents related to the application: APPLICATION ON NOTIFICATION – CATEGORY 3 Applicant: Solar Mining Services (SMS) Pty Ltd Development Number: 010/U071/18 The documents that I am requesting may include: 1) Objections to the application 2) The State Commission Assessment Panel's findings or assessment of the application 3) Any formal communications on the outcome or determination of the application 4) Any notification if the application was withdrawn.

Documents available on request.

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Request to access the documentation related to the State Commission Assessment Panel's assessment of Development 010/U071/18. Documents related to the application: APPLICATION ON NOTIFICATION – CATEGORY 3 Applicant: Solar Mining Services (SMS) Pty Ltd Development Number: 010/U071/18 The documents that I am requesting may include: 1) Objections to the application 2) The State Commission Assessment Panel's findings or assessment of the application 3) Any formal communications on the outcome or determination of the application 4) Any notification if the application was withdrawn.

Documents available on request

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Copy of the SPC officers planning agenda report, minutes and decision notification for development application 145/352/2019 approved for a cellar door/tasting facility at 191 Chaffeys Road, McLaren Vale for Dandelion Winery.

Documents available on request.

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request

  1. Any applications (including applications relating to native vegetation clearance, realignment or heritage under the Native Vegetation Act 1991) made by Sea Transport Developments SA Pty Ltd as trustee of the Spencer Gulf Trust or Stuart Ballantyne to the Department of Environment and Water and Coastal Protection in relation to the common user export facility located at Lucky Bay, Eyre Peninsula, during the period 1 January 2011 to 1 July 2018, including all documents lodged in support of any applications such as consultant reports and data reports.
  2. Any decision notifications issued by Department of Environment and Water or Coastal Protection to Sea Transport Developments SA Pty Ltd or Stuart Ballantyne in respect of the applications referred to in item 1 above.

Documents available on request.

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
‘’The latest copies of your internal complaint management policy for staff complaints and grievances, including procedure guides and reporting requirements.’’

Documents available on request.

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Internal Review: “All electronically searchable documents (including but not limited to reports, briefings, emails, notes, minutes, plans and other documents) mentioning or related to Mr. Steve Testar, Ms. Kelly Noble or the companies known as "Showcase SA", "Realis Property", "Glam Adelaide" or "Glam Digital"."

Documents available on request.

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
“A copy of all correspondence (including but not limited to emails, letters, briefing notes or any other form of correspondence) excluding any documents or submissions exempt from the Freedom of Information Act 1991 between Rendition Homes and or Wayne Fazzalari and the Minister’s agencies and staff between 19/03/2022 and 23/03/2023.”

Documents available on request.

File Reference

Date of Determination

FOI Request
Development Application, submissions and assessment documents from State Planning Commission for the below facility granted Crown Development status in October 2020: DIT C/-T-Ports Pty Ltd – Grain Export Facility, Wallaroo SA Application number 340/V005/20. Include Planning Report undertaken by MasterPlan SA and associated attachments.

Documents available on request.

Minister's Office Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of all correspondence and meeting documents, including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, recommendation reports, minutes, emails, letters, meeting agendas, and any other correspondence between the Minister for Planning and the State Planning Commission referencing the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex Major Development.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of all documents regarding HomeSeeker SA.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of all entries in the diary of Minister Champion between 01/08/2024 and 30/10/2024.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes or any other form of communication between Minister Champion, including any other staff member, and the Member for Dunstan and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes or any other form of communication between Minister Champion, including any other staff member, and the Member for Newland and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for Gibson, Sarah Andrews MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios of Housing, Urban Development and Planning.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for Gibson, Sarah Andrews MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios of Housing, Urban Development and Planning.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP (including attachments) and any responses (Member initiated), and correspondence sent by the Minister (including attachments) to the Member (Minister initiated), including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for MacKillop, Nick McBride MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister for Housing and Planning.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters (including draft versions), meeting agendas, diary entries and any other correspondence) relating to the 2024 SA Water Fees and Charges Schedule.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP (including attachments) and any responses (Member initiated), and correspondence sent by the Minister (including attachments) to the Member (Minister initiated), including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes or any other form of communication between Minister Champion, including any other staff member, and the Member for Dunstan and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between Minister Champion, including any other staff member, and the Member for Newland and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy, electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters (including draft versions), text messages, WhatsApp messages, meeting agendas, diary entries and any other correspondence) between the Minister, any member of the Minister’s staff or the Minister’s Department and the Member for Adelaide or her staff regarding Scotty’s Corner Code Amendment.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of the diary of the Hon Nick Champion MP, including all diary entries from 01/04/2024 - 10/06/2024.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
19464109 - All correspondence between the Minister and any staff or Council members of the University of South Australia, related to the Uni SA land (or former Uni SA land) at Magill and/or Mawson Lakes. Any diary entries and/or minutes of meetings involving the Minister and any staff or Council members of the University of South Australia, and/or any site visits to the Uni SA land at Magill and/or Mawson Lakes. Any briefings, relating to the land at Magill and/or Mawson Lakes that has been purchased by the Government from the University of South Australia, provided to the Minister or his office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
19430933 - Screenshots of the Minister’s official Ministerial diary and/or register of appointments from 1 January 2023 to 30 April 2024.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
19412446 - A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy, electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters (including draft versions), text messages, WhatsApp messages, meeting agendas, diary entries and any other correspondence) between the Minister, any member of the Minister’s staff or the Minister’s Department and any representative from Cedar Woods.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
19336445 - All correspondence received from the Member for Gibson, Sarah Andrews MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios of Housing, Urban Development and Planning.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
19181117 - All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios. (21/09/2023 - 20/11/2023)

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
19163955 - A copy of all entries in the diary of the Minister for Trade and Investment between 1 June 2023 and 1 June 2024, including future entries beyond the current date.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
19160278 - I seek access to all documents referencing Citadel Secure, James O'Hanlon, Cressida O'Hanlon, and David Searles, including all emails received and sent from the Minister's Office (including from Advisers). I also seek access to meeting entries in the diary of the 19160278 - Minister and Advisers as well as any attachments (as the Minister referred to in Question Time on 20 March 2024), including electronic log times/date of when the documents were received and uploaded into the Minister's diary. I seek briefings from the Department, all direct correspondence from Citadel Secure (including hard copy documents), and all correspondence from the Minister's Office and Advisers to the office of Senator Don Farrell

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister for Trade and Investment, Housing and Urban Dev and Planning, including any other staff member, and the Member for Newland and/or her office.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, diary entries, event attendance records and any other correspondence) relating to the Affordability and Liveability Roundtable, between 21 March 2022 and 16 February 2024.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“All documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister for Trade and Investment, Housing and Urban Dev and Planning, including any other staff member, and the Member for Newland and/or her office.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“I seek access to the Minister’s diary for the period outlined below. I only seek access to the diary in a weekly view (I do not seek access to support material that is within the meeting entry).”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“All correspondence received from the Member for Gibson, Sarah Andrews MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios of Housing, Urban Development and Planning (01/04/2023 to 30/06/2023).”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office, including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member, and the Member for Newland and/or her office.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“Port Spencer Grain Facility - Port Spencer Provisional Development Authority with specific reference to the Construction Phase.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“All correspondence to the Minister for Trade and Investment, Housing and Urban Development, and Planning from the Member for Adelaide between 21 March 2022 to 9 June 2023.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“Copies of all credit card statements for credit cards held by all current and former staff members in the Minister's Office, including Office Managers and Executive Assistants but excluding any credit cards that have been proactively disclosed. Copies of all documents and records including but not limited to financial statements, bank statements, credit card statements, briefings, minutes, correspondence, reports, emails, receipts, letters, and written notes of reimbursements paid to the Minister and all former or current staff in the Minister's office.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“Documents as defined under Part 1 Section 4 Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA), pertaining to all claims submitted by Ministerial staff for reimbursement with a value of $50 or more, including supporting documentation and tax invoices if the GST exclusive value of the reimbursement exceeds $75.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“Documents as defined under Part 1 Section 4 Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA), pertaining to claims for reimbursement for less than $50 submitted by the Ministers staff including copies of certification by that officer and approvals by the Minister or a person authorized by the Minister to approve such claims or purchases.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters, and any other correspondence) relating to FOI 23MTI44222 and FOI #17378610.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
The name of the electronic document management or filing system or systems used by the Minister's office, and a current index of all briefs a) received by the Minister's office; b) requested by the Minister's office; c) generated by the Minister's office; d) returned to the department after consideration by the Minister of Minister's office staff.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for Light, Tony Piccolo MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios of Housing, Urban Development and Planning.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for Gibson, Sarah Andrews MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios of Housing, Urban Development and Planning.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“A copy of all entries in the diary of the Minister for Trade and Investment between 21 March 2022 and 31 December 2023, including future entries beyond the current date”.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from the Member for Light, Tony Piccolo MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios of Housing and Urban Development.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office, including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member, and the Hon Reggie Martin MLC and/or his office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office - including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member - and the Member for Mawson and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office - including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member - and the Member for Adelaide and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office - including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member - and the Member for Davenport and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office - including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member - and the Member for Gibson and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office - including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member - and the Member for Waite and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office - including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member - and the Member for Elder and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office - including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member - and the Member for King and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office - including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member - and the Member for Newland and/or her office.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and any other form of correspondence since the election pertaining to the Ministerial Code of Conduct (20/03/2022 - 13/01/2023).

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from and sent to Tony Piccolo MP, Member for Light since March 20 2022 til November 30th 2022.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
All correspondence received from and sent to Sarah Andrews, Member for Gibson since March 2020 til November 30th 2022.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
A copy of all correspondence between the Minister for Planning and the Member for Waite.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Any and all documents in the possession of the Office of the Minister for Trade and Investment, Housing and Urban Development and Planning relating to the public submissions and feedback in response to the Notice of a Proposed Linear Park (Semaphore Park to West Lakes Shore) published on 19 August 2022 issued by the Minister for Planning in accordance with section 4 of the Linear Parks Act 2006.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Copies of the Minister’s calendar entries from 1st of November 2022 until 30th November 2022.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Copies of the Minister’s calendar entries from 13th of September 2022 til 31st of October 2022.

Documents available on request.

File reference
22MUD14961 & 22MUD14991
Combined determination

Date of determination

FOI request
“Coghlan Road drain (documents held by the Office of the Hon Nick Champion MP and communication to and from the Office of the Deputy Premier) from 24 March 2022 to 17 October 2022”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“A copy of the Minister’s Outlook calendar entries from 1 June 2022 to 12 September 2022”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, diary entries, event attendance records and any other correspondence) relating to the Paris Trade Office between 21 March 2022 and 28 June 2022.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
“All reports, briefing documents and/or written advice provided to Minister Champion by state government staff and/or agencies in respect to correspondence forwarded to the Minister by C L Rowe and Associates Pty Ltd (dated 24 March 2022) via email on the 7th April 2022. The subject correspondence requested a meeting with the Minister and/or assistance regarding the erroneous zoning of land at 111A and 1118B Port Elliot Road, Middleton in 2014.”

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Any documents (including but not limited to emails, minutes, briefings, letters, proposals, advice, invoices, quotes, notes) regarding communications internally within the Department and with Commonwealth stakeholders, specifically discussing the planning or management of the international student trial.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries and any other correspondence) that refer to the Government of South Australia’s support package for the international education sector from 1/2/2020 to 23/04/2020.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Copies of the Minister’s diary from 5 December 2019 to 11 January 2020.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries and any other correspondence) regarding the development of a new stadium/sporting complex in the Adelaide CBD from 1 January 2019 to 10 February 2020.

Documents available on request.

File reference

Date of determination

FOI request
Newly appointed Race Director for Tour Down Under, including but not limited to Stuart O’Grady.

Documents available on request.