Our primary role will be to coordinate and accelerate housing for all South Australians.

We will work across-government and industry to drive a concentrated and coordinated effort to accelerate planning and development pathways, invest in essential infrastructure such as water and wastewater, completed government funded or led housing developments and remove impediments to private sector construction.

We will also have a specific focus on policy to assist the industry with the viable delivery of homes.

Our values

  • Service - Proudly serve the community and Government of South Australia.
  • Professionalism - Strive for excellence.
  • Trust - Have confidence in the ability of others.
  • Respect - Value every individual.
  • Collaboration and engagement - Create solutions together.
  • Honesty and integrity - Act truthfully, consistently, and fairly.
  • Courage and tenacity - Never give up.
  • Sustainability - Work to get the best results for current and future generations of South Australians.

Our functions, objectives, and deliverables

We manage our state’s planning system to create liveable, sustainable communities that give South Australians a good life.

Learn more at https://plan.sa.gov.au

We make sure the housing developments across the state have the infrastructure they need, so we can fast track the delivery of housing for South Australians.

We promote the value of good design, knowing every new development has the potential to improve our quality of life, attract investment and reduce our impact on the environment.

Learn more at https://www.odasa.sa.gov.au

We make sure South Australia’s land titles registry remains accurate and reliable.

Learn more at https://dti.sa.gov.au/office-of-the-registrar-general

We’re the government authority on property boundaries and land tenure, making sure boundary surveying is done right in South Australia.

Learn more at https://dti.sa.gov.au/office-of-the-surveyor-general

We’re South Australia’s independent authority on property valuations. We make sure every property in our state gets fair and equitable statutory valuations.

Learn more at https://www.valuergeneral.sa.gov.au

We consult with local councils and give advice on the constitution and operations of local government, particularly the legal framework for councils’ operation.

Learn more at https://www.dit.sa.gov.au/local-government/office-of-local-government

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge First Nations peoples as the Traditional Owners of South Australian land and waters and we extend our respect to Elders past, present and emerging. We value and recognise the ongoing cultural and spiritual beliefs and the relationship First Nations peoples have with these lands and waters, and the continuing importance of this today.