For generations it was taken for granted that everyone in our state would someday have the opportunity to share in the great Australian dream - to own their own home.

The reality has become very different.

Today, it is harder than ever for people to enter the housing market, while renters are vying for fewer
properties in an increasingly competitive market.

Young people are putting their lives on hold to focus on owning a home, even as that dream retreats into
the distance.

We must act now.

We have:

  • Fast tracked the single largest release of residential land in the state’s history, which will deliver more than 25,000 homes.
  • Committed to deliver a generational housing boost  through Renewal SA, the SA
    Housing Trust and Regional Housing.

We will:

  • Establish a Critical Housing  Infrastructure Committee in  partnership with industry that  reports to government on  delivery of houses.
  • Undertake a review of the regulatory arrangements  around water pricing including  the role of ESCOSA.
  • Review existing maintenance contracts to ensure that vacant  properties can be domiciled,  and that social housing stock  meets the standard and needs of its tenants.

We are:

  • Increasing the First Homeowners Grant.
  • Abolishing stamp duty for first home buyers on all  new homes, including houses, flats, townhouses, or apartments.
  • Creating new Housing Affordability role within the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • Unlocking more shared equity to deliver additional housing developments.
  • Extending the affordable housing overlay and  creating an affordable housing offset scheme  to increase the supply of affordable and social  housing.
  • Providing pathways for greater housing diversity to get more people into accommodation which meets their needs through the Accommodation Diversity and Future Living Code Amendments.

We are:

  • Delivering through the Office for Regional Housing within Renewal SA new fit for purpose housing  across regional South Australia.
  • Ensuring the planning system and regional plans support communities to increase housing supply.

We have:

  • Approved the CITB’s Annual Training Plan to deliver crucial investment where it’s needed in the  building and construction industry, resulting in the CITB supporting 7,800 apprentices.
  • Delivered Fee Free TAFE.
  • Invested more than $40 million in Vocational Education and Training (VET) and over $75 million in TAFE SA courses aligned to building, construction and infrastructure.
  • Created 30,000 more building and infrastructure aligned courses over the next 5 years, an increase  of 1,000 extra training places per year.

We are:

  • Building five new technical colleges, with the first  one open at Findon
  • Developing a Construction Workforce Plan.
  • Working with TAFE SA and Flinders University to create additional pathways for planners and surveyors.

We will:

  • Provide clear and transparent information through a land supply dashboard that includes tracking of infrastructure provision.
  • Improve transparency through the creation of a new Code Amendment Dashboard.
  • Use AI to automate development approvals for simple applications that meet prescriptive criteria.
  • Speed up the Code Amendment process through standardised templates from 15 months to 6-9 months.
  • Combine the Code Amendment and Outline Consent process for site specific rezoning of land to facilitate  development outcomes.
  • Expedite land division assessments through increasing the role of private planning and surveying  professionals to determine land divisions up to 20 allotments.
  • Create a new State Land Division Assessment Panel to assess land division applications where timeframes are exceeded by authorities.
  • Implement new metro wide local infrastructure standards for land division applications.
  • Exempt South Australia from further changes to the National Construction Code, where those changes impact on industries ability to deliver housing.
  • Reform the Real Property Act to allow for less costly and timelier electronic lodgements of land divisions, shaving up to 3 months off the current processing

We will:

  • Explore new financing and investment models for  Build-to-Rent and Rent-to-Buy developments to  increase supply.
  • Deliver on a generational development pipeline via Renewal SA.
  • Introduce new procurement processes to speed up build times.

We have:

  • Created a new super Department for Housing and Urban Development to coordinate and connect critical areas of housing to synchronize land release  and deliver homes as quickly as possible.
  • Established the Housing, Infrastructure, Planning and Development Unit to facilitate growth area co-ordination and establish infrastructure delivery tools.

We will also:

  • Make a record $2.6 billion investment into major infrastructure to unlock key growth areas, including  $1.2 billion into trunk water and wastewater.
  • Addressing the disconnect between infrastructure delivery and land release through a simplified  augmentation charge.
  • Support private third parties to deliver housing infrastructure solutions, with quality assurance provided by Infrastructure SA.
  • Ensure the SA Water Board is skills based, including engineering and growth management expertise.
  • Standardise engineering standards for civil infrastructure design to provide greater certainty to industry and improve cost and time efficiencies.

We are:

  • Bringing back the South Australian Housing Trust and providing affordable and accessible social housing to those unable to enter the private market.

We have also:

  • Launched a statewide Public House Improvement Program, including the upgrading of 3000 homes, major works to 350 untenanted homes and a major construction blitz of 400 additional houses.

We are:

  • Establishing the Office of the Co-Ordinator General  to facilitate co-ordinated pathways for critical infrastructure.
  • Completing the Infrastructure SA 20 year plan that includes a plan to enable housing growth
  • Finalising the Regional Planning Program including the new 30 Year Greater Adelaide Regional Plan.

To learn more about the South Australian Housing Roadmap visit