
The South Australian Government is restoring community connection as it renames the South Australian Housing Authority to the South Australian Housing Trust, which will better reflect its current objectives.

The South Australian Housing Trust was originally established in 1936 and is widely recognised and associated with strong government investment in quality public housing. 

In 2018, SA Housing Authority (SAHA) was created with responsibility for all functions of the Housing Trust.  

The South Australian Housing Trust will be responsible for enacting the South Australian Government’s reversal to stop the sale of 580 public housing properties over four years to 30 June 2026. 

The South Australian Government is also on track to deliver the biggest investment in public housing in decades, fast-tracking construction, with over 1,000 homes projected for completion by 2026. 

Total commitments to public housing total 4,817 homes by 2026, including major updates and upgrades to existing homes. 

Restoring the SA Housing Trust brand is a key initiative from the Premier’s Housing Roadmap.

By returning to this trusted name, the government is moving away from the sale of public housing and renewing its commitment to the original values and goals of the South Australian Housing Trust.