Future protections for Parliament House are now certain after the State Government approved a code amendment to set clear guidelines for the development of Festival Plaza.

The Festival Plaza Code Amendment provides building height and design guidance to ensure the development site is maximised without encroaching into Festival Plaza.

Following feedback from community, industry, local and state government and advocacy groups, greater detail has been specified for the protection of Parliament House. This includes:

  • Specifying a minimum setback of nine metres from Parliament House's northern façade to preserve its visual integrity and heritage value
  • Additional detail to preserve view lines to the Parliament House balcony and the building’s Aedicular Corner, consisting of classical columns and pilasters on the corner of King William Street and the Plaza, to maintain heritage prominence within Festival Plaza.

A 38-storey high-rise tower is proposed to be built in Festival Plaza, alongside the existing 29-storey One Festival Tower. The proposal will be assessed by the independent State Planning Commission once it is lodged.

Preliminary designs for the second tower include a glass foyer to maximise sight lines between Parliament House and Festival Plaza.

These new planning rules provide greater guidance to ensure final designs for the proposed building make the best use of the precinct’s remaining development site.

The new development by Walker Corporation would see Walker’s original proposal to construct a three-storey retail building on the Plaza scrapped and replaced with a high-rise mixed-use tower.

A second tower in Festival Plaza is expected to bring in thousands of visitors and workers and more than $1 billion in annual economic activity.

The addition of more people and services in the area will contribute to Festival Plaza being a world-class hub for the arts, culture, tourism and entertainment.